

Children may attend morning sessions from 9.45am until 12.15pm (with parents returning at 12pm to speak to staff) or afternoon sessions on a Thursday from 1.15pm until 3.45pm (with parents returning at 3.30pm to speak to staff). In addition, some children may stay on for a packed lunch and the afternoon on a Monday, Tuesday or a Wednesday – until 2.45pm (parents returning at 2.30pm).


9.45am or 1.15pm
saying ‘hello’ to adult who will be greeting child and parent. Adult ensures visual timetable or object cues are used from start of session. Use of AAC are actively planned for and adult language is pitched to match the level of understanding for each child.

Choosing Time

choice of play activity covering the EYFS curriculum including – construction play, small representational, home corner, puzzles, threading, shape number or colour activities, in main teaching room. Child may also choose to go outside to play (in the garden, covering the EYFS curriculum, mirroring the activities available inside, but also including large trampoline, climbing equipment, bikes and scooters), or in our soft tarmac play area. Activities are linked to language theme for the week/half term.
Children follow their visual timetables to do the following activities (but may be in a different order) in groups

Circle Time

Generally this session is led by specialist teacher, speech and language therapist, or occupational therapist – using approaches to develop shared attention, listening and language skills as well as social interaction skills in a small group. The language/curriculum theme for the week will be explored using songs and simple activities/tasks for the whole group to participate in.

Drink and Snack Time

lots of communication and social skills to learn, and self-care skills encouraged at Toilet and Washing Hands Time

Physical Play Activities

In our soft play room the children have the opportunity to explore and play within safe soft surroundings including a ball pit area.

‘Exploring sessions’- structured adult-led activity using our core vocabulary. These activities include such things as playdough, cutting and sticking, food based exploring and other messy play activities.

Work Activity 

pre-planned individual activities, breaking each child’s individual Education Plan targets into small steps (planned by Specialist Teacher and Speech and Language Therapist). Where developmentally appropriate these are usually tabletop activities – each child is taught by a member of the staff team, one to one, who will then write up the child’s responses to the tasks.


led by specialist teacher, speech and language therapist or occupational therapist – short, simple story or interactive story with visual aids to help understanding. Goodbye Song/choosing a song
Parents return and spend time talking to staff about the morning’s activities. A home/schoolbook will go between home and nursery and, in addition, parents are welcome to ‘phone to speak with any member of staff at the centre.
When children stay for lunch followed by an afternoon session, they will experience a music session and a movement/relaxation session.

Things You Need

There are a few items it may be useful to send with your child to Circle

  • Wellington boots (labelled) – except in (dry!) Summer term
  • Coat
  • Complete change of clothes – all labelled, including socks and shoes
  • Nappies and wipes – if usually needed
  • Home/School file – provided by Circle Centre
  • From time to time we ask for items related to the theme to be sent in – see newsletters for details
  • Medication – If your child requires medication- you must inform Nursery staff


Circle Centre polo shirts, sweatshirts and book bags are available to buy if you would like them.

  • Sweatshirts at £13.00 (sizes 3-4 or 5-6yrs).
  • Polo Shirts at £9.95 (sizes 3-4 or 5-6yrs).
  • Book bags are £7 each – these have proved very useful for carrying home/school diaries, artwork etc. home.

If you would like to order anything please contact us using the form below.

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