

Our Circle Centre specialist nursery was most recently inspected by OFSTED in October 2019, and we were thrilled to be graded “Outstanding” once again, for the fourth consecutive time!

“We are delighted with the judgement of the inspectors. We all believe passionately in the work we do and aim to improve the lives of these children and those around them through research, advocacy, outreach and raising awareness on both a local and national level. For our Circle Centre specialist nursery to be recognised as an outstanding setting with this fourth outstanding judgement is truly wonderful.”

Charity Spokesperson

Here’s an extract from our OFSTED inspection report October 2019:

“The provision is outstanding A highly disciplined, multi-professional team works seamlessly together to provide an exceptional curriculum of learning for children. Children benefit hugely from the support of speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and specialist teachers to meet their diverse needs. Staff are motivated by having high expectations and ambition for all children. Teaching is finely tuned, with each child’s needs known and understood by their key person. This results is individualised teaching that encourages every child to meet his or her full potential.”

To read our full inspection report please click here.

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