

Admissions & Fees

Within our specialist nursery we cater for children aged between two and five years old.

You may be told about Autism Early Support by a Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist or other professional or you have found out about us yourselves. Either way, parents who think they may be interested in a place for their child are encouraged to call us to arrange a visit to the centre to meet the team and see whether they feel our nursery would be a suitable environment for their child.

If you would like to apply for a place at our nursery, on receipt of your application form, your request will be placed on our waiting list. When space is available we will arrange to meet you and your child at home to assess your child’s needs and to discuss in more detail whether we can meet your child’s needs at our nursery.

  • Children will usually have a diagnosis of complex language/communication difficulty and/or autistic spectrum disorder.
  • Criteria for admission is based upon an assessment of the needs of the child matching the specialist provision we offer and not upon a specific diagnosis.
  • Places will usually be allocated on a first come first served basis – using the date on which a completed application form is received.
  • Local authority funding towards the cost of a place may be available for children with an Education and Health care plan. Most children who attend our setting obtain local authority funding which contributes towards the cost of their place. Alternatively, some funding referred to as ‘Higher Needs Funding’ may be available towards the charitable costs via your local authority
  • We do request a Parental Contribution. Any family who would face difficulties in meeting the cost of a place may apply for financial assistance from the Autism Early Support Trust. It is the Trust’s intention that no family who cannot afford to pay this contributory fee towards the cost of the session will be denied a place.
  • Children may attend between 2 and 6 sessions per week. A session is two and a half hours long apart from once a week when we offer a short ‘whole day’ session.
  • It is the trustee board’s intention that any child will be offered a place for a minimum of 2 sessions per week.

“I am grateful every day that Circle Centre is in our life and wish every autistic child could go there!”

Gryff’s Mum

For full details of our admissions policy click here.

Autism Early Support Services 

In addition, we can offer a flexible package of support to families whose child does not attend the nursery at our centre. This support is available for children up to the age of 12.

“Millie and Freya loved the Circle Centre where they were free to learn and explore at their own place whilst the family felt comforted and supported, with no judgement – just understanding.”

Millie & Freya’s Mum

For more information about this service, please contact us using the form below or call 01296 733900. 

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