
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is autism?
Autism is a neurological difference, it means that an autistic person’s brain works in a different way.
Autism can have an impact on how a person communicates and processes their environment and the world around them.
Autistic people are all different. For a medical diagnosis an autistic person will have difficulties in;
Communication, such as making their needs known, understanding and processing language.
Social interaction, such as difficulties in understanding emotions of themselves and others, difficulties in understanding other people’s thoughts and intentions.
Repetitive actions and behaviours, such as needing to do things in a certain way, having a routine that needs to be stuck to.
Sensory processing difficulties, such as finding noise painful, disliking certain tastes or textures, seeking out certain movements.

Q. If my child has autism will they grow out of it?
You are born with autism and if you are autistic then you are autistic for your whole life. Your child will not grow out of it but here at the Circle Centre, and through the outreach services at Autism Early Support we can guide you in finding ways to support your child in navigating their world.

Q. Why does my child do certain behaviours?
Your child may have different behaviours, they could be repetitive, such as hand flapping, running up and down, turning a book in a certain way. This is very important to your child and it could be for a variety of reasons. It could show how they are feeling and it could be a way that they can manage their environment.

Q. How can I help my child?
You already are!
Learn about autism, subscribe to our portal and learn about how you can support your child.
Get involved with your child, if they are lining up their cars have a go.
Enjoy the successes. However small celebrate those little successes as they all add up.
Ask for help. We can offer support in a variety of ways including training, in our nursery and our outreach support.
Find other people. As you begin this journey remember there are other people that are on the same path.

If you would like to discuss ways that Autism Early Support can help please contact us