
The Parent’s Portal

The Parent’s Portal By Autism Early Support

An interactive community of support, resources and guidance, available 24/7.
Wherever you are on your journey, The Parent’s Portal will help you with what you need to know and when you need to know it.

The Parent’s Portal by Autism Early Support is designed for parents who:

  • have an autistic child or children.
  • recognise differences in their child and they are exploring neurodivergence.

Great content, live and on-demand, whenever and wherever suits you.

Resources to watch and read

Resources to watch and read

A multi-media library of information available to view and download.

Live workshops and parent support groups

Live workshops and parent support groups

Interactive sessions on key topics bookable in advance

Discussion Forums

Discussion forums

Exchange ideas and perspectives with parents and practitioners

Upcoming Speakers

We’ve got a fantastic line-up of speakers coming soon…


Julie Smith

Occupational Therapy drop in – ADHD and personal organisation

This drop-in session will provide you with an opportunity to ask your questions and chat about tools and strategies to help.


Jenny Hammond

Supporting your child with early literacy

This workshop will explore early literacy, share ideas and signposting. This will be a short presentation followed by discussion time.

Laura Gomersall


Laura Gomersall

Supporting your child through meltdowns and shutdowns

Supporting someone through meltdown and shutdown is hard. Come along to explore what we mean by meltdown and shutdowns, and explore strategies.

Helen Edgar and Viv Dawes

Supporting young autistic children through burnout

What is burnout? What are the warning signs? We will be sharing lots of resources to support parents/carers and there will be time for Q&A

Why sign up to The Parent’s Portal by Autism Early Support?

Our team have worked with autistic children and children with sensory, communication and interaction differences since 2001.

The parents we have worked alongside have told us that in order to support their child, themselves and the rest of their family, they need:

  • Consistent, reliable and up to date information on supporting their child’s journey through their school, home and social life
  • Guidance on funding, Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP’s) & the Special Educational Needs (SEN) process
  • Easy to read and bite-size advice that is quick to access
  • Strategies and tactics they can try at home and share with other family members
  • To feel other people understand their experiences
  • Peer support by connecting with other parents and offering help and support to one another.

In response, we have created the portal, for parents with children aged 2 – 17 years, to be a one-stop solution to these issues. The content has been curated to save parents time and provide reliable, trusted guidance from our experienced practitioners and other parents.

As a membership service, everyone who signs up becomes part of a community where support and guidance can be exchanged in a safe and non-judgmental space.

For unlimited 24/7 access to all features there is a charge of £10 per month per household. There is no joining fee and parents can cancel at any time.  

Understanding is such a game changer when it comes to understanding a neurodivergent person, but it can feel overwhelming: there is just so much out there to learn. This portal gathers information relevant to you. It is easy to navigate and access to live training and support groups is so valuable.”

Joanna Grace, Doctoral Researcher, Founder of The Sensory Projects, Author & TEDx Speaker (Autistic)