
Meet the team

Expert Practitioners

The team at Autism Early Support was established to meet the needs of young autistic children and children with communication differences as well as provide support, training and guidance to those who teach and care for them.

The expert team at Autism Early Support have a wealth of knowledge, both educational and therapeutic in the field of autism and communication differences.

Their bios will enable you to read more about the skills that each member of this team brings.

Find out more here.

Circle Centre Staff

The team at Circle Centre Nursery consists of Specialist Teachers, Occupational and Speech & Language Therapists and Learning Assistants all skilled in supporting autistic children and children with communication differences.  Headed up by our Head of Children’s Services, the nursery team work on high staff to child ratio with small groups of children at the setting enabling them to support their individual needs.

Support Staff

At AES the nursery and outreach team(s) are joined by a small team of support staff.  This team are responsible for Finance, Fundraising, admin support to the nursery and outreach teams, as well as areas such as HR, IT, operations and marketing.


Our Board of Trustees has responsibility for both developing and guiding the strategic direction of AES, and ensuring the activities and policies support the achievement of our charitable objects and purposes.  Our current Board consists of 7 Trustees who all devote their time to us voluntarily. Click here to find out more about the profile of each of our Trustees.

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